Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 7, 2008

Labor and Delivery

Once we got to the hospital, got hooked up to all the monitors and IV, I was ready to get the show on the road. The nurses checked me and found that indeed my water had broken. However, I was not dilated one bit. I was so disappointed because I knew that I had made progress, but was wrong! We waited for a couple hours and they came back in with another bag of fluid for my IV. The were starting me on Pitocin to get my contractions going and get Taylor outta there! I was on the Pitocin for a couple hours before they checked me again, and still had not progressed much. I was maybe 1 cm dilated. At this point, I knew that I would be there for a while before we met Taylor. My parents arrived at the hospital around 6:00 a.m. I was glad for them to finally be there. There is something comforting about your parents being around when you are going through something big. Blake's family arrived shortly after at about 8:00 a.m. I was surprised by myself during this time. I thought I would want privacy and to be alone during labor, but I was wrong. I enjoyed having everyone around. I think it took my mind of the constant contractions. The day was the longest and shortest day of my life! I was finally dilated to 3 cm around 3:00 p.m. so they allowed me to get my epidural. I was very nervous about it, especially after the girl next to me was screaming while she was getting hers. My Mom stayed in the room with me since Blake isn't a big fan of needles. I did jump when he put the numbing medicine in, but other than that, it wasn't that bad. It was really great when my legs started going numb and I had no idea I was having a contraction!

After I got my epidural, they rolled me on my right side so that it would be even on both sides. I would roll from side to side every 30 to 45 minutes is what they told me. However, things got a little scary after they rolled me on my left side. Taylor's heart rate dropped for a few minutes. The nurses came in and quickly went to work to get it back up. Blake and I were both about to panic, but we were both trying to hold it together for each other! Blake did step out once everything was okay and pulled himself together so I wouldn't be so scared. At this point, I was ready for our little girl to be here. I had already been in labor for 14 or 15 hours and I was getting pretty tired. I couldn't sleep now, because I was worried her heart rate would drop again, so I was focused on the monitor the whole time. At about 5:00 p.m., I decided to spice things up a bit, and threw up all over myself. Of course, they had to come in and clean me up, which meant rolling me to my left side. When they did this, Taylor's heart rate dropped again. I think it was at this point that I knew I was going to have a C-section. Actually, I was hoping they would go ahead and do one so that she would not be in any danger. They checked me again, and I was only dilated to 4 or 5, so the Dr. came in with the plan. They were going to up the medicine to try and make the contractions stronger. If that didn't work, we were going to C-section. So, we stayed there for a couple more hours and then they checked me. I was still at 5. At this point, I was coming up on 21 hours of labor! We decided that C-section was the best option now and they started getting everything ready. Within 10 minutes they were rolling me to the OR. At this point, everything was a blur. I was so tired that I kept asking if I could just take a nap. I think it was good that I was so delirious because I wasn't scared of going through the C-section at all (and I'm a very scared person of this kind of stuff). They got me ready and brought Blake in to sit beside me. Right as he sat down (at 9:06 p.m.) they made the incision. Four minutes later, our baby girl was here!! She weighed 7 pounds 4.8 ounces and was 20 inches long. They unstrapped one of my arms so that I could touch her and see her. Nine months of waiting to see her little face was here! I was so releived that she was okay!

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